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미국 캘리포니아 주에서 M-POX 심각 변이(clade 2)최초 발견되다.



미국에서 확인된 더 심각한 유형의 엠폭스(clade I) 사례는 캘리포니아에서 처음으로 보고되었다고 미국 질병통제예방센터(CDC)가 발표했습니다. 그러나 CDC는 clade I 엠폭스의 대중에 대한 위험은 여전히 낮다고 강조했습니다.


The United States’ first known case of a more severe strain of mpox was confirmed in California, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Saturday. The risk of clade I mpox to the public remains low, the agency said.


확진자는 최근 엠폭스가 유행 중인 동아프리카를 여행한 이력이 있으며, 현지 의료기관에서 치료를 받은 후 퇴원해 자택에서 격리 중입니다. 현재 증상은 호전되고 있으며, CDC와 주 보건 당국은 접촉 가능성이 있는 사람들을 확인하고 추적 조사 중입니다.


The person diagnosed with clade I mpox had recently traveled from Eastern Africa, where an mpox outbreak is ongoing. The person was treated at a local medical facility and released, the CDC said. The person has been isolating at home and their symptoms are improving. The state and CDC are working to identify and follow up with potential contacts.

미국에서는 2022년과 2023년에 clade II 엠폭스가 주로 유행했으나, 최근 아프리카에서는 더 심각한 질병을 유발할 수 있는 clade I이 확산 중입니다. 


Clade II mpox has been circulating in the United States since a large outbreak in 2022 and 2023. A more recent outbreak in Africa is driven by clade I, which is known to cause more severe disease.



특히 clade I의 하위 유형인 clade Ib는 비교적 최근에 발견된 유형으로, 독일, 인도, 케냐, 스웨덴, 태국, 짐바브웨, 영국 등 여러 국가에서 여행 관련 사례로 보고된 바 있으며 일부 국가에서는 지역 사회 전파도 확인되었습니다.


The subtype that’s responsible for most of the ongoing spread, clade Ib, is relatively new. Travel- related cases of mpox clade Ib have been reported in Germany, India, Kenya, Sweden, Thailand, Zimbabwe, and the United Kingdom. 


CDC는 현재 아프리카 외 지역에서 보고된 clade I 엠폭스 사례 대부분이 clade Ib에 의한 것이며, 이들 사례에서는 사망이 보고되지 않았고 비교적 경미한 질병 경과를 보였다고 설명했습니다. 과거 clade I 엠폭스는 3~11%의 사망률을 기록했으나, 최근에는 적절한 의료 지원을 받은 환자들의 사망률이 약 1%로 크게 낮아졌습니다. 특히 미국처럼 의료 시스템이 강력한 국가에서는 사망률이 훨씬 낮을 것으로 예상됩니다.


Some countries outside of Africa have also reported locally transmitted cases. “The recent travel-associated clade I mpox cases outside of Africa have all been attributed to subclade Ib; there have been no deaths associated with these cases and available data for a subset has detailed relatively mild disease courses,” the CDC said Saturday.


“Historically, clade I mpox has caused more severe illness and deaths than clade II mpox; however, recent data demonstrate that infections from clade I mpox in the current outbreak may not be as clinically severe as in previous outbreaks. While outbreaks of clade I mpox used to have death rates around 3%-11%, more recent outbreaks have had death rates as low as approximately 1% when patients received good medical oversight and supportive clinical care. Death rates are expected to be much lower in countries with stronger healthcare systems and treatment options, including the United States.”


세계보건기구(WHO)는 현재 엠폭스 사례가 아프리카, 특히 콩고민주공화국, 부룬디, 우간다에서 증가하고 있다고 밝혔습니다. WHO는 오는 11월 22일 엠폭스에 관한 국제적 공중보건 비상사태 유지 여부를 논의하기 위해 긴급 위원회를 소집할 예정입니다.


The World Health Organization says the number of mpox cases in Africa has been rising, driven mostly by cases in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi and Uganda. On November 22, the WHO is set to convene a meeting of its emergency committee on mpox to advise whether the current outbreak still constitutes a public health emergency of international concern.


엠폭스는 과거 천연두와 관련된 바이러스성 질환으로, 신체 접촉, 키스, 성관계뿐만 아니라 오염된 의류, 침구, 바늘 등을 통해 전염될 수 있습니다. 


Mpox, formerly known as monkeypox, is a viral disease related to the now-eradicated smallpox virus. It can spread through close contact such as touching, kissing or sex, as well as through contaminated materials like sheets, clothing and needles, according to the WHO.


초기 증상으로는 독감 유사 증상(발열, 오한, 피로감, 두통, 근육 약화)이 나타나며, 이후 고통스럽거나 가려운 발진이 발생하고 수 주 내에 딱지로 변해 치유됩니다. 


Initial symptoms are typically flu-like — including fever, chills, exhaustion, headache and muscle weakness — often followed by a painful or itchy rash with raised lesions that scab over and resolve over a period of weeks.



CDC는 감염자와의 접촉을 피하고 오염된 물품(의류, 침구, 성인용품, 칫솔 등)과의 접촉을 피함으로써 엠폭스를 예방할 수 있다고 조언하며, 백신 접종 자격이 있는 경우 2회 접종을 권장하고 있습니다.

The CDC says people can protect themselves from mpox by avoiding contact with people with symptoms and contaminated materials such as clothing, bedding, sex toys and toothbrushes. People who are eligible are recommended to get two doses of mpox vaccine.

